2023 - 2024


Transcript AI Notes Calls
Language Settings More Accessible
This short project allowed to collaborate with the team at Scribbl and their chrome extension tool to transcript meetings. I helped them design and more accessible shortcut so that users could adjust their language settings much faster and easier.
Discovery stage
Back in 2023 I was doing some qualitative research for a project I was working on. After I recruited a few users I was ready to gather some insights. Now, As a solo designer I needed some helping with note-taking During the interviewing sessions. That’s what I decided to search for a third-party extensions that would help me transcript my interviews.
At the end, I decided to go with Scribbl. They had the best Spanish transcripts and best features available on their free plan.
Getting the mind behind Scribbl
A couple of days after my first experience with scribbl I got an email from Mike Sallese, Founding Engineer at Scribbl. As he was asking for feedback I took advantage of the opportunity.
So I shared with him my experience using Scribble's Transcripts and how I was not able to easily switch my language settings during my interview. I also offered him my UX Services to contribute to this solution.
Finding a solution
After doing some benchmarking I came across with Taqtic's approach. What did was add a button within their interface for user to access the default language settings much easier.
Started to experiment a few icons
This icon does represents a location or a region although its meaning was a bit broader.
Using the initial letters of the language selected it's good idea, but it could cause some accessibility issues.
This icon was the best option. It visually display language capabilities and it´s very accessible.
Implementatin the solution
Here’s the end result. Although my final proposal was not implemented, this is still one of the versions I came across during brain storming. Although this is note the best way due to accessibility, it maybe the easiest wat to developed it.
real call on google meet
Impact of this update
Spanish has 496 million native speakers and 595 million total speakers, according to a report by the Cervantes Institute.
Spanish speakers in general (native and non-native speakers) make up 7.5 percent of the world’s population.
The combined GDP of Spanish-speaking countries is approximately $7 trillion USD. This accounts for about 8% of the world's total GDP.
It is the third language that most contributes to world GDP, behind English and Chinese.
Final thoughts
Spanish alone adds a significant amount of value and potential product-market fit. Not to mention the possibilities that other languages could add to Scribbl’s growth.
That’s why it’s very important for Scribbl’s users to have easy access when adjusting their transcripts’ language. A language it’s a market, and opportunity for Scribbl to grow and get to the next level. Let’s create a clear path of users to transcribe their meetings quite easily with the language of their preference.
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